Daniel Janks

Daniel Janks biography, age, career and wife.

Daniel Janks
Daniel Janks

Captain Cohen from Scandal real name is Daniel Janks. He was born 10 March 1977, age 46 years old as of 2023. Let’s find out more about his life history, children, career and wife.

Biography of Daniel Janks

Name: Daniel Janks
Age: 46 years old
Date of birth: 10 March 1977
Place of birth: Johannesburg in South Africa
Nationality: South Africa
Occupation: Actor, Director and Freelancer
Languages: English
Known as: Detective Cohen from Scandal

Early life

Captain Cohen from Scandal is a good actor who potrays his character very well. He was born on 10 March 1977, age 46 as of 2023. He comes from Johannesburg, Gauteng in South Africa, where he currently resides. Information regards his childhood and family is unknown. Daniel Janks speaks only English among other South African languages.

Personal life

Daniel is a married man. He has a beautiful wife whom he loves so dearly. His wife’s name is Tiffany Markman. Also he was blessed with a daughter, he loves her so much.

Educational background

Not much is known about his primary or secondary School attendance. He went to study at University of Witwatersrand where he obtained his qualifications in Dramatic Arts.

Daniel Janks
Daniel Janks

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Career journey of Daniel

After graduating from the University of Witwatersrand, he became a professional actor. This opened doors for him to act in different drama series. Daniel acted in drama series and films such as An Act of Defiance (2017), Generation Kill (2008) and Tremors 5: Bloodlines (2015).

Daniel Janks on Scandal as Captain Cohen.

A lot of people recognise him for acting on Scandal as Captain Cohen. Despite his character being of a call actor, viewers get used to his character. There was a time when his storyline was developed, we saw him falling in love with Layla. Anyway Captain Cohen is still acting on Scandal and he is nailing his role as Captain.

Other Jobs

Janks is not just an actor, he is also a director and voice over artist. According to one of his Facebook page, he a creative artists. He is very good handmade who is very talented and creative.

Daniel Janks

Also read: Kennedy Stab biography AKA Uncle John on Scandal.