Dakalo Molope is an upcoming actress who happens to act on Scandal as Motshabi.
Dakalo life changed eight months ago when she was required to attend initiation school in order to complete ukuthwasa and become a sangoma. Her homecoming and graduation as a sangoma took place recently, and she also celebrated her 16th birthday.
She followed her calling and traveled to ephehlweni, an initiation school, eight months ago to learn and understand her gift and calling. She was balancing school, work, and initiation school at the same time. It was difficult for her, but she had to ponder and accept that she is not like other teenagers.
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How did it all started?
These sights and nightmares were happening to her. It was difficult for her mother to accept, especially because the child was sixteen years old. It took her mother three months to accept that her child must answer her calling because when this happened, the child began to have visions, dreams, and her school grades began to drop, she began to have headaches, was always sleepy, and her nose bled, and this is when her mother began to take it seriously.
Dakalo is her only kid, so accepting that she would be staying with someone else for six months was not easy. She needed to embrace and comprehend what she needed to accomplish. The mother began to conduct research in order to learn more about the situation and to determine what her child would do.
She realized she had a calling in 2021, and she traveled to the location her forefathers had shown her to answer it. She spent nine months in Gobela’s house and saw it as a life-changing experience; she didn’t see it as abuse because she was young, but it was something she desired and it was normal.
She took some time to meditate on what was occurring to her and what this calling was before accepting it.
“I was fifteen reflecting on how answering the calling would work for me, how is it going to work for other people and what am I going to do that is different because now truth be told, the name [calling] has been tarnished, so I thought how am I going to stand out and how am I going to change. And because of that and the positive side of it, I realised that this is a chance to take to also change my life and that is how I accepted my calling,” Dakalo says.
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The end result, she is now a Sangoma
She feels pleased, cheerful, and more driven to work now that she is finished. She feels that the world is ready for her after all of the guidance she received at her homecoming ceremony. And she is ecstatic to have received so much help.
It’s all the individuals she never thought would accept or stand witnessing this trip, as well as the ones she didn’t think were her friends, who came out to support her at the ceremony, and she’s thrilled and appreciative.