Mphoza Mashabela

Mphoza Mashabela biography: age, career, Skeem Saam and wife

Mphoza Mashabela
Mphoza Mashabela

Mphoza Mashabela, the former Skeem Saam actor was born in 1973, age 49 years old.

Biography profile of Setati on Skeem Saam

Name: Mphoza Mashabela

Born: 1973

Age: 49 years old

From: Mokopane, Limpopo in South Africa

Occupation: Actor and Gospel Artist

Nationality: South African

Gender: Male

Tv shows: Skeem Saam

Personal life history

Mphoza Mashabela who is gospel artist was born 1973, age 49 years old. He is a South African actor from Mokopane in Limpopo province in South Africa. He is well-known for acting on Skeem Saam, potrayed a character as Setati.

Career journey in acting.

Gospel musician and Limpopo Artist Movement chairman Mashabela secured his first TV gig after more than two decades in the arts industry.

He made his debut when he stars in the popular SABC1 youth education soapie Skeem Saam.

On Skeem Saam he played the role of Setati, a client of motor mechanic Big Boy Mabitsela, played by Charles Maja.

Mphoza Mashabela
Mphoza Mashabela with a colleague on Skeem Saam

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At first he couldn’t believe that he got the role. He thought it was a joke.

“I couldn’t believe my ears when I received a call from Mahuma Paul Rapetsoa that I got that Skeem Saam role.

” I kept on telling him that I was not in the mood for his funny jokes.

“But it finally sunk in when he repeatedly told me that I need to come to his offices and sign a contract.

Also he used to act while he was studying teaching. He never thought his first television role will be such big.

“Although I used to act in plays when I was studying teaching, I never thought my first TV acting role will be in such a big series.

Mphoza Mashabela

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Mphoza Mashabela on Skeem Saam

Setati faced off with Mabitsela after discovering that the latter replaced the new parts of his car with old ones.

Mashabela’s scenes beamed on the much-liked Sepedi soapie as from July 19 2018.

Other career for Mphoza

Besides acting on Skeem Saam, he is also a Gospel Artist. He was also a chairman of Limpopo Artist Movement.

Mphoza Mashabela’s wife and divorce

He was married to his wife Tony. Their marriage couldn’t last longer due to cheating. Her wife accused her husband of cheating which lead to break up of their relationship. Sadly, the break up was done over the phone through whatsapp. The wife just send him the message on whatsapp.