Mzamo Mkhombe

Mzamo Mkhombe biography: age, career, and theatre.

Mzamo Mkhombe
Mzamo Mkhombe

Mzamo Mkhombe is a South African Actor, Director and DJ. He was born 17 March 1988, age 34 years old as of 2022.

Biography profile

Name: Mzamo Brian Mkhombe

Born: 17 March 1988

Age: 34 years old (2022)

From: Durban, KwaZulu Natal

Nationality: South African

Occupation: Actor, Director and Playwriter

Gender: Male

Personal life history

Mzamo Brian Mkhombe, 34, is a professional actor, dramatist, director, dee jay, poet, and other creative individual. His birthday is March 17, 1988. He is a native of Durban, KwaZulu Natal.

Educational background

He went to Olwandle High School. After he attended his higher education at Durban University of Technology. He obtained his qualification and graduated in 2019.

Mzamo Mkhombe

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Career journey in acting of Mzamo Mkhombe.

He began his professional career in the community theater company Emuhle All Artists in 2010, and he has since performed on stages all around the world, including the Baxter Theatre, The Playhouse, The Market Lab Theatre, Catalina, and the Folkwang Theatre in Germany.

As his third year directing assignment, he oversaw the performances of The Brotherhood and Caged by Neil Coopen in 2018 at the Courtyard Theatre. Mainly completed ads for Game Store in 2016 and 2017.

Mzamo Mkhombe
Mzamo Mkhombe enjoying eating chicken.

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